TechAbility is an assistive technology and information technology (AT/IT) service funded by the Ian Karten Charitable Trust which aims to improve outcomes for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in mainstream and specialist further education colleges.
TechAbility provides a dynamic programme of support through a flexible, mobile team of specialist technologists and Assistive Technologists:
- Events and workshops to showcasing best practice
- Online and printed resources to support practitioners across the sector
- Assistive Technology solutions for students with SEND – from low cost fixes to hi-tech and innovative products
- AT and IT advice and guidance, from strategic to operational, supporting colleges and other providers and raising awareness at all levels of the organisation
- Bespoke solutions for your college – an individual service dependent on need.
Use TechAbility to improve SEND and High Needs provision:
- Supporting assessments
- Writing effective outcomes
- Planning programmes of study
- Helping students manage their work and record progress
- Data collection
- Communication and access tools for learners with high needs.
Additional information:
Natspec is the voice of specialist further education. A membership organisation for specialist colleges within the UK. Providing training to the wider sector regarding young people with learning difficulties and / or disabilities.